At TELUS, their purpose-driven team works daily to innovate and do good

At TELUS, their purpose-driven team works daily to innovate and do good.From providing technological solutions that make lives safer and easier, tosupporting those who need it most. Their inclusive, spirited, and giving peopleare passionate about empowering their customers, communities, and each other tothrive in the digital world.
Resources provided: one project managerwith scrum manager skillsets.
Length of contract: ongoing two years.
Time to onboard: two weeks.
- Technical debt and fixes to legacy project
- Finding candidates with the right skillsets
- Unanticipatedbudget cuts
- Technical debt and fixes to legacy project
- Data-Driven Approach
- Vettingprocess and reassurance
- Global andLocal Options for Agencies
- Process & Timeline to Project Delivery
“Outforce won compared to other partnersbased on results and speed. The proposal that came back was thorough and inline with the timeline of the project and with agreed upon rates”
-Cédric Gauthier
Manager Core Network Engineering Automation
1. How did TELUS find outabout Outforce.ai?
TELUS had previously engaged with Outforce.aiin another part of their business, and they came highly referred from both theengineers and leadership within the company.
2. What was TELUS’sproblem before engaging with Outforce.ai?
TELUS was strugglingto find the perfect project manager with a scrum master background who hadagile methodology. Most candidates did not have bothrequirements, which was an issue. Gradually, they were also looking to hireother engineering talent that aligned with budget adjustments and a pause infull-time hiring during the realignment of priorities at TELUS.
3. Why not rely oninternal HR? Or other traditional ways of hiring?
TELUS has a multiple funnel approach for theacquisition of new team members and has used third party in the past for recruitingor outsourcing, but because of the rapid speed that things were evolving atTELUS, they needed a partner with a SOW approach that could work in real-timewith the changing business requirements.
4. What was the selectionand interview process with Outforce.ai?
TELUS was keen tocontinue their work with their previous outsourced engineering team fromArgentina, so both the selection and interview process moved quickly, with onemeeting to confirm the availability and skill sets of the engineers and anotherto establish team chemistry and touchpoint cadences.
5. What were the must-have criteria for theoutsourced team delivered by Outforce.ai?
- Professional
- Technical debt and fixes to legacy project
- Good follow-up and follow-through
- Flexibility within budget
- Alignment on priorities and progress
6. What was the impact onTELUS’s business after engaging with the outsourced engineering team?
A. The heavy workloadwas removed from the senior engineering team so they could focus on emerging projectpriorities.
B. TELUS was able tostay within budget even with the cutbacks, and on time even with the full-timehiring freeze.
7. Compared to atraditional HR or SOW experience, what are the benefits of partnering withOutforce.ai?
One of the mainbenefits of partnering with Outforce.ai is that the skillsets of the engineerswent above and beyond TELUS’s expectations, and the high quality of the code alsoallowed for the project to progress on time without code re-writes or movingoutside of the set budget.
8. What were TELUS’s resultsof partnering with Outforce.ai?
- Network slicing project: phase one
- Velocity dashboardsbuild-out
- KPI dashboard development
- IP Top-Up Project: sprint planning and reviewand retro session
9. What does a futurewith Outforce.ai look like?
The outstanding workthat Outforce.ai completed for TELUS more than justified going outside of theusual hiring solution. Outforce.ai won based on results and speed. The proposalthat came back was thorough and in line with the project's timeline and theagreed upon rates.
10. What is the TELUS perspectivewhen it comes to IT outsourcing?
“Outsourcing is a recommended strategic approach basedon our experience. The recruitment process is generally cumbersome, so it isgood to have a trustworthy partner who can provide the appropriate candidatesbased on the requirements. Outsourced contractors always allow for flexibilityin scaling up and scaling down based on changing needs as well as supplementalskill expertise within the team, but you do need a stable strong team thatkeeps the foundation of the project strong, especially with complexarchitecture.”
-Cédric Gauthier
Manager, Core Network EngineeringAutomation
TELUS's partnership with Outforce.ai has proven to be a strategic advantage innavigating the complexities of their projects and evolving business needs.Faced with challenges such as finding the right candidates with specific skillsets and managing unanticipated budget cuts, TELUS turned to Outforce.ai fortheir expertise in delivering a tailored solution. Outforce.ai's data-driven approach,thorough vetting process, and flexible engagement model allowed TELUS toquickly onboard a project manager with scrum master skills within a tighttimeframe.
Thecollaboration has not only alleviated the workload on TELUS's seniorengineering team, enabling them to focus on emerging priorities but alsoensured the delivery of high-quality work within a set budget. The success ofthe network slicing project, velocity dashboards, and KPI dashboard developmenthighlighted the effectiveness of the partnership, with Outforce.ai's team exceedingTELUS's expectations in skill and code quality.
Lookingahead, TELUS envisions continuing their relationship with Outforce.ai,recognizing the benefits of outsourcing as a strategic approach. The ability toscale resources flexibly, coupled with the assurance of receiving candidateswho align with the company's requirements, positions TELUS to adapt swiftly tochanging business needs. The partnership has demonstrated that with the rightoutsourcing partner, TELUS can achieve project goals efficiently andeffectively, maintaining a strong foundation even amidst complex architecturesand dynamic market conditions.